Monday, March 26, 2007

an internship with perks - shocking enough

Today was really quite fun. At least, it was different than my usual day sitting behind a computer mentally banging my head against the wall because the internet is horrible. Today I got to make like I was a real photographer, photographing an ACTUAL photographer. Exciting, yes?

Lorna Simpson came to the KIA today, to take a tour of our galleries and decide where and how she wanted to set up her own exhibit that's coming here in May. Her photography quite interesting and thought-provoking, so this opportunity was quite exciting. My job was to take candid photos of Ms. Simpson during her visit. It was fun, for starters becaues I love taking pictures. I would never claim to have any professional experience or training with a camera, but I like to think I take a bit more care than the amateur with my shots. I also got to meet Ms. Simpson, who was lovely.

With my candid shots, I try to stay out of the way as much as possible. When you're actually trying to do work, having a camera up close and in your face can be ridiculously distracting and obnoxious. I try to keep this in mind.

So that was my entire day today. Such a nice change!

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