Monday, January 29, 2007

first post

So, this is the first post of our internship blog! Until Gabi gets set up here, I don't want to go into too much detail and/or hog posting priveleges, so this should be relatively short. Think of this more as a test post, so in the future I can be sure that I'm correctly typing up blog posts and not contributing to the downfall of society or anything like that. Think of it like that, and be excited about the sweet things to come in the future.

Essentially, this is (as the lovely sidebar succinctly notes) an account of my (that's me, Laura C.) and Gabi's respective internships at the Kalamazoo Institute for Arts this spring. The Institute is both an art museum and art school, though we'll be working more closely with the former. Specifically, we are interns under Paul S., who heads the marketing and public relations department of the museum. We are working on a project to set up a viral/social-media (ie. internet-based) marketing plan for the museum and for exhibits it brings in.

I'm thinking we will update once a week or so, both Gabi and I, giving different view points of the experience given our different backgrounds. Gabi is a senior at Western Michigan University and a public relations major, while I am but a freshman and (currently) double majoring in creative writing and journalism. Hopefully you, lovely readers, will flock in great quantities to this blog and read our excellent adventures, trials, tribulations, and all that jazz.

That's probably as much of a summary as anyone has patience for, so I'll cease for the time being. Once Gabi gets set up here, the posting shall begin, and life shall be wonderful. Until then, ciao (I will also think of an appropriate sign-off at some point, I'm sure.)

-Laura C.

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